What women want is the greatest mystery yet to be resolved, but that is not what we will discuss today. Every man is built differently; thus, they have different requirements which can be physical, emotional, or social requirements. Men, generally don’t ask for help, or what they want, thus if you have this question about what men want in a woman in your mind, then hold on, you are not the only one who thinks this way about their male partner.
In this article, we will explore nearly all of men’s requirements and wants for a woman.
- Attraction: We all know that beauty is subjective and everyone has a unique definition. However, some general traits define beauty and attract men from all cultures. Such as
- Confidence: Say if you are beautiful but not confident enough, then what’s the idea of beauty? Men don’t want dolls as their life partners, who will not take initiative in anything and men have to do everything.
- Eye Contact & Style: The way you look, the way you settle your hair, and the way you sit and walk are significant. Everything you do should have a feminine touch. You should learn to make just enough eye contact with your partner. Men admire clean and neat women who have good outfits. You don’t have to wear expensive clothes or jewelry; you must be orderly and clean.
- Understanding Partner: Attraction may draw men toward you but if you want this relationship in the long run, then you should be very understanding in the mentioned terms,
- Understand Your Man: Studies suggest that men don’t take medical assistance in case of any mental issues. Why? Because men are hardwired from their childhood to be strong and not cry or share their fears. These fears sometimes pile up and if kept unresolved, they can lead man to have bad habits such as drinking alcohol and other harmful, substances. If you find any irregular behavior with your partner, you should have heard enough life stories to understand what is going wrong with your partner. So, if your man is not sharing anything with you and talks very little, there is a high probability that he is under immense stress.
- Listen Actively: When you are talking to your male partner, men want you to listen attentively and not show that you are not interested, if he loves you, he will stop bothering you and will not share any life stories and difficulties.
- Stay Connected: Men want their life partner to be trustworthy in any scenario. If your man thinks that you will leave him in his bad times, then what’s the point of a relationship?
- Real World Talks:
MEN face real-world problems; they have to worry about their family and friends and they need to defend their loved ones too. Men will hear your Cinderella stories but you need to understand their encounter with beer stories too. If you want your man to trust you like his brothers, you need to understand his side of the struggles too. He will love if you know basic things like how to drive a car, and how to clean a water tank or he will love to hear you from who will be the next president. If you need more clarity, check out the group of boys and hear what they are talking. They will be talking about cars, politics, problems, girls, science, the Air Force, and aliens. Men love to talk about everything.
Men also love ambitious women, they don’t want you to achieve the unthinkable but a woman needs to be ambitious in what she does, even if it is raising the family.
Loving Nature
As discussed earlier , men face the harsh real world, so they need someone loving, filled with kindness, and compassionate to ease their difficulties. A man will always love a woman who is very kind to everyone and generous.
Women who are very supportive in day-to-day life will also be admired by many men, men support women in every aspect of their lives such as careers and even education, and men want the same in return.
- Space
Men want intimacy in relationships, but they will also love women who are independent, such as a woman who has a career, who is financially not dependent on a man, has her own professional and personal circle to grow independently.
- Sex and Affection
This is a very important and misunderstood topic for men. Many women have the misconception that men are in relationships for sexual desires only, which is not entirely true. Men love sex that is initiated by deep desire, deep love, deep connection, and most importantly mutual agreement. If your man finds out that you are less interested in sex than him and he is somehow enforcing his sexual urges upon you, then he will slowly but surely start keeping his distance from you, even if you are married.
Please note an important point, even if you are not beautiful but have a deep connection with a man and you are willingly being part of sexual desires in a relationship, then your man will never break this kind of relationship.
What men want in women is not the most difficult to answer question. In short, we can summarize that men want love, a loving and supporting partner, and a mutually agreed understanding of sex. However, every individual is unique and you need to find out what your man really wants.