How do you tell if a guy wants a relationship or just a hookup?

This article is for girls. Love or relationship is a game of trust. even more, I would say it is gambling of trust. girls and boys both have a phycological self-defense mechanism to protect themselves from potential breaches of trust. Sex is more sentimental to girls than boys. girls have much to lose, boys have nothing at risk. Before going into a sexual relationship with boys, girls want the commitment that they will not be cheated. In this article, we will discuss How do you tell if a guy wants a relationship or just a hookup?

How do you tell if a guy wants a relationship or just a hookup?
Photo by Cole Keister from Pexels

A.How do you know if a guy is catching feelings for you?

The best way to tell if a guy wants a relationship or just a hookup is to know if he loves you. if a guy is really into you and the guy is catching feelings for you or How does a man act when he’s falling in love? We have already discussed how people fall in love here and the stages of dating here.

It is very easy to know. Here are points to observe.

He will never yell at you. Even if you both have disagreements he will tell you politely or will not tell you at all.

He will not buy you expensive gifts. If the guy is buying you expensive gifts you should reject such gifts because he is psychologically thinking that there is the competition to get you. That means you are no more than a trophy gift for him. He is buying you expensive gifts because he is not confident enough about his love.

He will never lie to you. If a guy is truly into you, he will never lie to you at any cost. The trick is to if you are doubting that he is lying, just ask the same question twice. If he is lying he will tell you the true story a second time.

He will introduce you to his parents, sister. If a guy is really into you, he will introduce you to his parents or elders. Because unintentionally he wants to tell everyone that he is loving you.

He will show his favorite things. If the guy is loving you he will try to show you his favorite bike. His favorite sports car, even if he doesn’t have it. Mark my words, boys have crazy love for bikes, cars, and gadgets. He will show his favorite book or anything close to his heart.

If he is not into you for love, he will do the opposite of what we have mentioned above. like for example he will not take you to his parents.

B.Your age and decisions.

If you both are below nineteen. There are higher chances that he is into you for sex. Teenagers tend to experiment. Sometimes experiments do not go well. It is wise to stop and wait until at least you both become mature enough to know what is wrong and what is right. If you make spontaneous decisions, you are going to regret your decision for your whole life. So the point is if you both are below age 21, he is into you for hookup for sure.

C.His adventure plans

If he is into you only for a sexual relationship, he will plan long trips with you. He will take you to unknown less crowded places. Even more, he will ask you if he can visit your home or your place. Maybe he will call you to visit his place for a Netflix movie.

D.His plans for the future

The guy who is in love with you just for a hookup will have his plans for the future without you. If you want to test, ask him what kind of house do you want to buy? If he is into you for love, he will ask your opinion about the house. In short, if he is loving you, he will make his plans for the future along with you.

E. His behavior

If a guy is into you only for a hookup, he will do what he has come to do. He will never say the below-mentioned lines,

You are brilliant!

Instead, he will complement your body and beauty. Even you both already in a sexual relationship, you will notice him leaving right away after having sex instead of cuddling. He will never express his love or will waste time expressing his feelings about getting married to you. If a guy is really into you, he will not waste time and ask right away what he wanted to ask for defining the relationship. A guy who is into you for love will share his bad feeling, memories, failures with you for sure.

Happy Dating!