Understanding girls and their feelings can be challenging, and in today’s digital age, it’s even more complicated due to online communication. Is a girl texting you, but you’re unsure if she’s just being friendly or if there’s something more to it? Let’s dive into this complete guide on how to tell if she likes you over text!
She Texts You First (Most of The Time)
If a girl is texting you first at that time, it is a strong sign that she is interested in talking to you. For example, she asks you some random questions out of nowhere such as, what are you doing right now? this question is a big sign that she wants to know more about you, desires to be with you, or wants to spend some time with you. In this scenario, most of the time, she is feeling empty and if the girl is talking to you while she is feeling empty then it is a positive sign that she is interested in you. Sometimes she will ask you not in context questions that do not have context in the current situation, that means that she just wants to talk to you but she does not find any specific reason to talk to you, so, she is making excuses by creating some random discussions to extent your late-night talks.
Image Credit Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:
She Is Interested in Your Interest
Girls will unknowingly ask deeper questions. Especially about family and career to the guy they love. So, if your girl is asking questions about your dreams, career, family, and hobby, then she wants to elevate her relationship with you from friendship to something meaningful. Some girls even may want you to buy a new car or a new bike (things you like and she knows your interests); or she may want you to pursue an educational degree if you both are students, or she may even want you to join your dream company if you both are working, even further some girls will pray that your mother gets recovered from a critical /terminal illness if you have earlier told her so.
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Realtime Responses to Text Messages
If she is interested in you, she will think about you 24×7 in most cases, if she is thinking about you she is going to miss you every second, every minute, if she is going to miss you, then she is going to wait for your messages, if she is waiting for your messages and if she knows that she has received a text from you, then she is going to very quick to let you know that she is ready to converse with you by responding immediately to your text messages. Not only this but even if she cannot reply, then she is going to apologize for not replying immediately to your text messages. Also, she will find reasons to talk to you over text and her replies will be long paragraphs.
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Expressive Replies
Not only using text, but girls are also generally very expressive with the man they like. if the girl you are talking to is using many emojis every time to make the conversation more meaningful then it may be a good sign that she is interested in you.
Image Credit Photo by Polina Tankilevitch:
She Appreciates Everything About You
If she is praising you or appreciating you then it is a direct sign that she is attracted to you. For example, she will praise your clothing style by saying, “Nice dress”, or she may praise your presentation style by saying “Nice presentation “or she may praise you by saying “You are a good driver”. She may even compliment that you have nice hands/fingers etc.
Image Credit Photo by Brett Sayles:
She Shares Her Good Moments and Bad Moments with You
Girls are very emotional creatures if they are in love. If she is buying a home, she will let you know; if she is making a sandwich, she will let you know by sending pictures of the sandwich. If she has tried a new dress, she will send you a photo of the new dress. Not only this, she will share her life story with you. If she is doing this then this indicates that she trusts you.
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She Plays with Words on Text Messages
Girls will never directly tell you that they like you, rather a girl will give “signals” that she likes you. Playing over text messages is the best way for girls to let you know that they like you and she is ready to take this relationship further. For example, if you are discussing “relationships” she will intentionally say that she wants a boyfriend as handsome as you etc. Her way of praising you may also change, and as discussed earlier, instead of saying nice dress, she will say “You look like my boyfriend” or “You look like Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible”.
Image Credit Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:
She Wants to Spend Time with You
If, while texting, she is planning a visit to someplace or asking, “Are you free tomorrow?” or “What are you doing tomorrow?” then she wants to spend more time with you, and she is 100 percent into you and wants a deeper relationship with you. Even if she is giving a hint or suggesting you ask her out to go somewhere is a great sign that she is interested in you. For example, she will say “I have heard that this new Marvel movie is good”, by saying this she is indirectly asking you to watch the movie together (with her obviously).
She Cares About You
It is a human tendency to care about your loved ones, if she is caring about you then she is interested in you. For example, if she asks “You Look Sad Today” She may even tell you to wear protective gear while riding in an authoritative /commanding way because she is scared that you may have an accident while riding. She will remember tiny details about you, for example, you told her yesterday that you have back pain, then at night or the next day she will text you “How is your back pain now? “, this is so sweet and if this happens to you, consider yourself lucky to have an acquaintance like her.
You Are Her Attention
If she is responding immediately, she is sharing many reels/shorts on social media such as Facebook/Instagram then even if you both are not texting /chatting she is thinking about you or she is unconsciously aware of your existence in her mind. She pays attention to the way you are texting and even notices that you are heavy-eyed if you both are chatting late at night with your short replies, or she even may notice that you are doing something else as well, while chatting with her from your slow and short responses.
Her Long Paragraph Texts Explains Everything
If while chatting/texting she is taking longer times and she is responding with large paragraph texts then it is very sure that she is engaged in an in-depth conversation with you and she means what she is writing to you. This is a very good sign that she is interested in you and not only this she is putting much effort into your potential romantic relationship. While analyzing her messages and Responses you can even notice that she has remembered minor details about you, which you told her a few months ago, such as you told her a few months back that you are going to plan an office trip to London after a few months. This behavior proves that she is not only interested in you but also emotionally engaged with you.
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By writing long paragraphs it is important here to note that, she is very open about her feelings and she is not scared to share those feelings with you, only because she trusts you as more than just a friend. Sometimes, she may even tell you that she likes talking to you and that makes her happy. There is no bigger sign than this that she is interested in you.
Other Signs That Make a Difference
If she is copying your texting style, like emojis and other unique things or even slang then it is a sign that she is interested in you.
While chatting about friends you were with last night or in general, she will ask if you have any girls in your group, or she can even tease you if you mention the name of a girl multiple times.
She will talk about her personal things such as her family, her dog, her home, her grandfather, etc., or in very sensitive cases she may even talk about her ex or her past.
Last but not least, she loves and is open to talking/chatting/texting very late at night throughout the night, or till early morning. Please note, if ever this happens to you that you both kept chatting till morning, then it is a high probability that you are her first love, those oxytocin hormones kicked in and didn’t let her sleep, this is a very good sign that she is not only interested in you but also loves you from her heart.
There is no guarantee that these signs will tell you that she is interested in you or likes you as every individual is different but, understand that communication is the best way to understand her feelings. Communication can be of any time, it can be verbal or non-verbal, this list can prepare you for any such nonverbal signals that tell that she likes you.