Couples open relationships mostly for social/other partner approval and validation so that they can freely experience romantic relationships in polyamory relationships. However, couples hurrying to open a relationship neglect some things. This can lead to chaos in relationships in the future and even there is a risk of a breakup in all relationships. In this article, we will discuss the most skipped step when opening a relationship. The most skipped step is setting limits to every aspect of such a relationship.
Why This Step is Skipped
Couples in love generally make assumptions about their loved one, that if he/she loves me he/she will understand what he/she wants. But, on the contrary, due to assumptions made by each other if one person has high expectations from another partner then due to unmet expectations and disagreements arising out of this, there is a risk of breakup.
Some partners may even think that discussing limits will be considered as a lack of trust by another partner, leading to never discussing limits.
New individuals in relationships like teenagers may not know the consequences of not discussing limits and they want to open a relationship at whatever cost.
Cost of Skipping This Step
If another partner or any of the partners has high expectations for such relationships then in the end, they are going to feel cheated or hurt by another partner’s behaviors. Another partner may also feel jealous and insecure if limits are not well defined. Most importantly due to lack of trust or trust issues raised due to this situation, all relationships can be at stake.
For example, if a third partner expects a serious relationship whereas your current partner only wants you to have casual relationships then, there is a high probability that there will be a dispute between all partners which can harm all relationships if not addressed correctly.
How to Set Limits
Before opening a relationship talk with your partner/partners about why and how and with whom you want to open a relationship. While discussing this, set limits and prepare a list of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable things. Decide whether the relationship is going to be casual or serious, also define physical and emotional limits in relationships. Also, prepare an what to do in possible conflict plan to avoid any direct disagreements.
Final Thoughts
Opening a relationship instead of cheating or having multiple situations is a better way or a win-win situation for both partners. But, as clarified this has to be done with mutual agreement of all partners. This may be unethical and illegal in some cultures and countries.