Chivalry is a medieval concept of interacting with women involving being kind and thoughtful and showing them respect. In today’s world, chivalry is often referred to as opening doors, offering help, and being kind. In the modern thought process, chivalry is a two-way concept wherein both men and women respect each other as compared to man-centric medieval culture. In this article, we will try to understand what is chivalry in relationships and why it is required.
Historical Reference of Chivalry
Knights were the brave, loyal soldiers of the state or pope, and knights symbolized “good” power who fought “bad” for good causes. Particularly in the medieval era when women were the victims of wars or religious wars. Supposedly armies of knights saved and protected women, thus word Chivalry. Over time wars ended yet in the modern era when we act respectfully, and be helpful to women, the act will be still considered Chivalry.
Modern Day Chivalry
With the end of Patriarchy in modern times women have equal rights of the man, where women are no victims of war or not the most vulnerable part of society chivalry has to be worked out by both genders and not only men, unlike old times. By respecting each other and having mutual understanding that men and women have equal rights, but may have different roles in day-to-day life. To relationship work, both men and women should respect their roles and responsibilities and create a supporting environment.
Chivalry In a Relationship
Not only in romantic relationships but in all kinds of relationships following ethical values is very important. While speaking to anyone, not only our partner, we should always speak very kindly. While listening too we should pay attention to the speaker’s words, and purposes. We need to understand that even if there are disagreements, we should always maintain calm and respectful behavior.
We should always offer help in any kind of relationship whether it is a romantic or non-romantic relationship with any kind of work. If you are in a relationship surprise your partner by arranging tours, food, or even meaningful and thoughtful text messages will work perfectly. Spend time together by preparing home home-cooked meal for your partner.
In any kind of relationship, we should not lie about anything or we should not keep promises incomplete or false promises for self-centered goals. We should say sorry if the situation demands it in a romantic relationship. This works both ways, if your partner is saying sorry then you should say that, it is not necessary.
If your partner is getting successful in life, you should celebrate his/her conquest with incredible delight. On the contrary, if your partner is having tough times, then you should comfort him/her to get through tough times. You should make your partner feel loved with regular kisses and hugs, even holding hands will work effortlessly.
Conclusion: Chivalry is not gender specific, it has to be followed by both men and women. Chivalry is an important factor in the survival of any relationship.